OOPS is a programming approach which provides solution to real life problems with the help of algorithms based on real world. It uses real world approach to solve a problem. So object oriented technique offers better and easy way to write program then procedural programming languages such as C, ALGOL, PASCAL etc.
Procedural programming means writing code without objects.
Whereas, object-oriented programming means writing code with objects. It contains data in the form of fields or variables (often known as attributes or properties in java) and functionality code in the form of methods (often known as behavior in java).
Java is an object oriented language which supports object oriented concepts like: class and object. In OOPS data is treated important and encapsulated within the class, object then use to access that data during runtime.
It is the most popular programming paradigm and widely used in the software industry today. It is an extension of procedural programming.
As an object oriented language Java supports all the features given above. We will discuss all these features in detail later.
Some of the striking features of object-oriented programming system (OOPs model/design) are as follows:
Some of the major benefits of object-oriented programming in java are as follows:
1. Security: In OOP, Data is encapsulated with methods in the class so that data is protected and secured from accidental modification by other external non-member methods.
2. Effective communication: In OOP, objects can communicate via message passing technique that makes interface descriptions with outside systems much simpler.
3. Easily upgraded: Object-oriented system can be easily upgraded from small to large systems because OOP uses bottom-up approach.
4. Maintenance: The maintenance of object-oriented code is easier.
5. Reusability: Through inheritance, we can use the features of an existing class in a new class without repeating existing code that saves a lot of time for developers, and also increases productivity.
6. Developing complex software: OOPs is the most suitable approach for developing complex software because it minimizes the complexity through the feature of inheritance.
The concepts of OOPs provide many benefits for the programmer to design an efficient program. Due to its reusability feature, it is widely used in many areas. Some of the application areas of OOP are as follows: