Java Intro Java Features Java vs C++ Java Simple Program Java Applet vs Application JVM,JDK or JRE Java Keywords Java Variables Java Literals Java Separators Java Datatypes Java Operators Java Statements Java Array Java String


Java If-else Java While Loop Java Do-While Loop Java For Loop Java For-each Loop Java Switch Java Break/Continue


Java Method Java Overloading Java Overriding


Java OOPs Java Classes/Objects Java Inheritance Java Polymorphism Java Encapsulation Java Abstraction Java Modifiers Java Constructors Java Interface Java static keyword Java this keyword

Java Keywords

A keyword or reserved word in Java has a special meaning and cannot be used as a user defined identifier, because they are used by the compiler and if you use them as variable names, compiler will generate errors.

List of Java Keywords

abstract: It declares that a class or method is abstract.

boolean: Declares that variable is Boolean type.

break: Used to exit a loop before end of the loop is reached.

byte: Declares that variable is byte type.

case: To represent different conditions in switch statement.

assert: Used to specify assertions.

catch: Used for handling exceptions, i.e., capture the exceptions thrown by some actions.

char: Declares that variable is character type.

class: Signals the beginning of a class definition.

const: This keyword is reserved by Java but now it is not in use.

continue: Prematurely return to the beginning of a loop.

default: Default action in switch statement.

do: Begins a do while loop.

double: Declares that variable is double type.

else: Signals the code to be executed when if condition executes to false.

extends: Specifies the class base from which the correct class is inherited.

final: Declares that a class may not be extended or that a field or method may not be overridden.

finally: Declares a block of code guaranteed to be executed.

float: Declares a floating point variable.

for: Start a for loop.

goto: This keyword is reserved by Java but now it is not in use.

if: Keyword to represent conditional statement.

implements: Declares that this class implements the given interface.

import: permits access to a class or group of classes in a package.

Instance of: tests whether an object is an instance of a class.

int: Declares an integer variable.

interface: signals the beginning of an interface definition.

long: Declares a long integer variable.

native: Declares that a method that is implemented in native code.

new: Allocates memory to an object dynamically.

package: Defines the package to which this source code file belongs.

private: Declares a method or member variable to be private.

protected: Declares a class, method or member variable to be protected.

public: Declares a class, method or member variable to be public.

return: Returns a value from a method.

short: Declares a short integer variable.

static: Declares that a field or a method belongs to a class rather than an object.

strictfp: To declare that a method or class must be run with exact IEEE 754 semantics.

super: A reference to the parent of the current object.

switch: Tests for the truth of various possible cases.

synchronized: Indicates that a section of code is not thread-safe.

this: A reference to the current object.

throws: Declares the exceptions thrown by a method.

transient: Data should not be serialized.

try: Attempt an operation that may throw an exception.

void: Declare that a method does not return a value.

volatile: Warns the compiler that a variable changes asynchronously.

while: Begins a while loop.