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Java Applet vs Application Program

In this page we will discuss what are the major difference between java applet and java application program

Java Applet

1. Applet can't be executed independtly it can be executed inside a java compitabel container such as a browser or appletviewer

2. It does't main method and does not hava a single point of entry for execution

3. Applet can be embedded in HTML page and download over the internet

4. Applet can't perform R/W to files in local System this is to provide security

Java Application Program

1. Java application program can be executed independtly. Application are executed as command line by java.exe

2. It is contain main method. It has a single point of entry for execution

3. Application hava no special support in HTML for embedding or downloading

4. Application hava no inherent security restrictions and can perform read write to file in local System